Senior Consultant - CTVS
Dr Govini got his degree in medicine from Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Karnataka. He completed his masters in General Surgery and later went to complete his masters in Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery form SVIMS University, Andhra Pradesh.
In his professional career of 14+ years, Dr Govini has participated in over 7000 open and closed heart surgeries in adults and children, Heart and Lung Transplantation. He is a pioneering surgeon who is competent in Video-assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS), Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) for various heart and lung diseases.
Dr Govini is an expert in Beating Heart Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (OP-CABG), Heart and Lung Transplantation, Heart Valve Repair or Replacement (Adult & Paediatric), Re-operative Cardiac surgery, Laser Lung surgery, Tracheal Reconstruction, Cardiac Surgery and Lung Surgery (Adult & Paediatric).
He is recognized for his ability to perform a variety of complex cardiac and lung procedures on patients of all ages. Those under his care, enjoy a high level of satisfaction that is in line with his exceptional results.
- Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
- Single and Double Valve Replacement
- Congenital Cardiac Defects Correction
- LIMA, RIMA, Radial Artery Harvesting
- Saphenous Vein Harvesting
- Lobectomy
- Segmentectomy
- Pneumonectomy
- Bronchoscopy
- Chest Trauma Care
- Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair
- Tracheal Reconstruction
- Central Venous Catheterisation
- Arterial Cannulations