Dr Rajanikanth Patcha V
MBBS, MS (Gen Surg), MRCS (Edin), MRCS (Ire), Dip (Lap. Surgery), FEBS (Liver Tx), FEBS (HPB)
HPB & Liver Surgery,Liver Transplantation
Dr Rajanikanth Patcha is working as a Senior Consultant and Lead Clinician in the liver department, at Gleneagles Global Health city, Chennai. He was trained in UK for 13years . He has 20 years of Surgical gastroenterology and 9 years of Hepatobiliary and Liver Transplantation experience.
Dr Rajanikanth Patcha did his Masters in General Surgery from the famous & prestigious institute JIPMER , Pondicherry. In 2001 he moved to England to gain specialist training in Surgical Gastroenterology and Liver Transplantation.
Dr Rajanikanth passion towards liver transplantation made him pursue training in world renowned Kings College hospital, London for 6 years. He worked with Prof Nigel Heaton and Prof Mohamed Rela who are the pioneers in liver transplant training and guided him through his years of training.
During his stay in UK, Dr Rajanikanth successfully completed membership of the Royal college of surgeons of Edinburgh and of Ireland . He also qualified for Fellow of European Board of surgery in Liver transplantation and Hepato biliary surgery in the year of 2014 making him one of the first South Indians to achieve this prestigious certificate in both fields.
In 2007 he gained diploma in Laparoscopy from University of Louis Pasteur, France .
Dr Rajanikanth is very compassionate with patients. With his patience and empathetic nature, he has become very popular in short time in South India.
Professional Experience
Nov 2015 – till Date
Consultant, Liver Transplant & HPB Surgery, Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai
Jan 2012 – Sep 2015
Senior Clinical Fellow, Liver Transplant Surgery, Kings College Hospital, UK
Oct 2009 – Jan 2011
Clinical Fellow, Hepatobiliary Surgery, Kings College Hospital, UK
Aug 2007 – Aug 2008
Registrar, General Surgery, Antrim Area Hospital, UK
Oct 2006 – July 2007
Specialist Registrar, General Surgery, Glan Clwdy Hospital, UK
Aug 2005 – Aug 2006
Specialist Registrar, Colorectal Surgery & Vascular Surgery, Ulster Hospital, UK
Jan 2004 – Aug 2005
Senior SHO, Upper GI & HPB Surgery, West Wales General Hospital, UK
Jan 2003 – Jan 2004
Senior House Officer, General Surgery, West Wales General Hospital, UK
Mar 2002 – Sep 2002
Registrar, General Surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry
Apr 1998 – Mar 2001
SHO, General Surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry
Achievements & Milestones:
- Dr Rajanikanth was directly involved in 1000 transplants and 2000 hepatobiliary surgeries in India as well as in London.
- He has done an audit on liver lesions at Kings college hospital, London and presented at National Hepato cellular carcinoma conference, Basingstoke, London.
- Dr Rajanikanth has done numerous presentations and publications. He has presented in various National & International conferences.
- He has participated in Intensive Laparoscopic Course at European Institute of Tele surgery in Strausberg, France.
- He is a member of Royal College of Surgeons, International Liver Transplant society, Liver Transplant society of India, Medical Council of India.
- Yoh Zen, Federica Pedica, VR Patcha, Paola capelli , Giuseppe Zamboni, Alberto Quaglia, YasuniNakanuma, Nigel Heaton, Bernard Portman. Mucinous Cyst Neoplasm’s of the Liver: A Clinicopathological Study and Comparison with Intraductal Papillary Neoplasms of the bile Duct. Modern Pathology .2011 Aug;24(8):1079-89,Original Paper.
- Patcha VR, KateV, Ananthakrishnan N. Indicators for surgery in adhesive bowel obstruction. Tropical Gastroenterology 2001; 22:224-226. (original paper)
- Patcha VR, Edwards P, Selvam LA, Nutt M. Is laparotomy still essential in the complete staging of oesophagogastric cancer? European Journal of Surgical Oncology, Volume 31, November 2005, Pages 1056-1057.(abstract)
- Patcha VR, Kader JA, Selvam LA,Harries B, Sheridan WG.Age demographics from a rectal bleeding clinic support the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. ? European Journal of Surgical Oncology, Volume 31, November 2005, Pages 1078-1079.(abstract).
- Patcha VR, S Sainudeen, WG Sheridan.Transanal excision of rectal villous adenomata is an effective alternative to more major surgery in high risk patients. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, Volume 31, November 2005, Pages 1055.(abstract)
- Patcha VR, JP Gilmour, S Kumar, M Nutt, B’O Riordan. Role of Staging laparoscopy in upper GI malignancy. .European Journal of Surgical Oncology, Volume 31, November 2005, Pages 1078.(abstract)
- Patcha VR, E Wanzahari, GL Williams, WG Sheridan, B O’Riordan. Management and outcome of carcinoid tumours.European Journal of Surgical Oncology, Volume 31, November 2005, Pages 1081.(abstract)
- Patcha VR, Williams GL, Muthuvairavan K, Sheridan WG, Riordan B’O.Acute appendicitis as a sign of a colorectalcarcinoma.European Journal of Cancer Supplements, Volume 3, Issue 2, October 2005, Pages 183-184.(abstract)
- VR Patcha, GL Williams, LA Selvam, JA Kader, WG Sheridan.Comparision of rectal bleeding clinic with conventional out patient clinic for detection of early colorectal cancer.European Journal of Cancer Supplements,Volume3, Issue2,Oct 2005,Page200. (abstract)
- Patcha VR, Kader JA, Selvam LA,Harries B, Sheridan WG.Age demographics from a rectal bleeding clinic support the adenoma-carcinoma sequence.European Journal of Cancer Supplements,Volume3, Issue2,Oct 2005,Page191. (abstract)
- Patcha VR, S Sainudeen, WG Sheridan.Transanal excision of rectal villous adenomata is an effective alternative to more major surgery in high risk patients.European Journal of Cancer Supplements,Volume3, Issue2,Oct 2005,Page200. (abstract)
- Patcha VR, JP Gilmour, WG Sheridan. (2005). Delorme’s procedure for rectal prolapse, low risk, low recurrence, low utilisation. British Journal of Surgery, 92, Suppl.1, 52-53. (abstract)
- Patcha VR, JP Gilmour, S Kumar, M Nutt, B’O Riordan.(2005) Staging laparoscopy in upper GI malignancy. British Journal of Surgery, 92, Suppl.1, 89. (abstract)
- Ananthakrishnan N, Kate V, Patcha VR. Adhesive intestinal obstruction – current perspectives. In Gupta RL (Ed) Recent Advances in Surgery New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (p) Ltd 214-224, 2002. (chapter in textbook)
- Maviki MS, Patcha VR, Sheridan WG. (2005). Constipation as a cause of abdominal pain leading to emergency hospital admission- counting the cost of the western diet. Colorectal Disease,7,suppli1,page131. (abstract)
- Patcha VR, GL Williams, LA Selvam, JA Kader, WG Sheridan (2005 ). Comparison of rectal bleeding clinic with conventional out patient clinic for detection of early colorectal cancer. Welsh Surgical Society Proceedings, Vol 45. (abstract)
- PatchaVR, JP Gilmour, WG Sheridan. (2004). Delorme’s procedure for rectal prolapse, low risk, low recurrence, low utilisation. Welsh Surgical Society Proceedings, Vol 43. (abstract)
Languages Known
- English